We love doing life together and enjoy many opportunities to live life to the fullest with our community. We have groups specifically for men, women, and youth that meet every week at the church, and also several prayer meetings in the evening. You are welcome to join us at any of these! 

Get Connected

Men's Group

Each Saturday morning from 8:00am-9:00am men gather at the church to study the bible. All are welcome to join at any time, bring a bible and some coffee! 


Women's Group

On alternate Thursday evenings and Friday mornings the women of Living Hope gather in the home to go deep into the scriptures.  The study is currently on the book, "Gospel on the Ground".  Group starts at 7pm Thursday and is at 10am Friday mornings.  To find out more including location and to answer any questions email  .  

Youth Group

T.R.U.T.H. was a name our youth came up with - it stands for: The Redeemed United Through Hope. Our youth gather every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:30 for worship, prayer and a teaching...as well as some great games and fellowship!  All youth from 12-18 (or 6th to 12th grade) are invited.  These nights are designed to help our youth go deeper in the Word and grow their faith together.  Contact our Next Generation Director, Andrea Brummett and Youth Director Matt Brummett by clicking the button below. 


Adult Sunday School

Sunday mornings join us in the Family Center at 9am as we delve deeper into the Word of God.  We love to spend this time in His Word, praying for one another.  All are welcome.  Contact Pastor Randy Altona for details by clicking the button below. 
