"We have a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" 1 Peter 1:3
About Us
Living Hope is a church of believers seeking to live fully in Gods Word while being led by Holy Spirit. We believe that God wants us to love authentically, empower one another and unify the body of Christ.

Pastors Bill and Jessica
Pastors Bill and Jessica Francavilla joined Living Hope Church in 2018. Their heart for ministry aligns with the church’s mission to live authentically in God’s Word empowered by the Holy Spirit, and uniting the Body of Christ. In 2019, the church affiliated with Open Bible Churches, embracing a network that “fosters accountability without undue control.” Under their leadership, in 2021, the church became Living Hope Church, inspired by Peter 1:3, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
Pastoral Team

Bill Francavilla
Senior Pastor

Jessica Francavilla

Matt Brummett
Youth Pastor and Operations

Andrea Brummett
Children's Pastor
Learn More About Us
We are affiliated with Open Bible, a global network of churches and ministers.
Open BibleFellowship and Studying the Word
Wednesday Nights
ADULTS | YOUTH | KIDS: Wednesday nights are dedicated to coming together for a meaningful time of discussion and faith-building. We break into adult, youth, and kids groups to study the word of God and fellowship together. Groups start at 6:30pm and end by 8pm.
Women's Groups
Our women meet weekly on Thursday evenings at 7pm and also on Friday mornings at 10am. If you'd like to connect with us and join, email hello@livinghopeva.com for details. Once a month you'll find we will have a special women's event, such as a Saturday morning brunch, a worship time, or a fun event.
Men's Groups
Saturday mornings at 8am at the church building and alternate Tuesday mornings at 7am, the men of Living Hope gather together to go deeper into the Word of God. Email hello@llivinghopeva.com for more details or to get connected. Every 6-8 weeks the men get together for a movie night or other activities.
Sunday Adult Bible Study
Every Sunday morning at 9am a group gathers together in the classroom at the church to dive deeper into the Word of God. All are welcome to join!
Governing Teams
Governing Elders

Pastor Bill Francavilla

John Noska

Reuben Autrey
The governing elder board is responsible for overseeing the church's legal, financial, and spiritual affairs, ensuring alignment with its mission. Board members must meet biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-9) and possess the necessary gifts, abilities, and maturity. They serve a term of 1-3 years, appointed by the senior pastor and ratified by the apostolic council. The board works closely with the senior pastor to approve the budget, manage church properties, appoint staff, and review the pastor’s performance. They also handle legal matters, disciplinary issues, and ensure accurate financial records are maintained. In the absence of the senior pastor, they coordinate with the apostolic council as needed.
Apostolic Elders

Pastor Joshua Grimes
Open Bible East Regional Director

Pastors Ralph and Nancy Vencil
Open Bible East Board Member

Pastor Doug Watson
Harvest International Network

Ian Roberts
An apostolic council member provides spiritual oversight, accountability, and guidance to the senior pastor and governing board, ensuring alignment with the church’s mission and values. Composed of 3 to 5 mature elders, the council offers counsel, prayer, and support, and plays a key role in pastoral appointments and the selection process. They also serve as a forum for investigating complaints or conflicts involving the senior pastor or governing board, and arbitrate disputes when requested. Additionally, the council reviews and ratifies governing board appointments, assists in church vision and purpose, and acts as an appeals body for board decisions.
Financial Team

Maurice Nestor

Bill Caldwell

Bill Pruitt

Bob Mandrioli