Who to Expect
We are a community of men, women and children — plumbers, electricians, businessmen and women, teachers, students, retirees, military men and women, athletes, artists, young, and old. But most of all, we are family.

Learn More About Us
We are part of a network of churches through Open Bible. You can learn more about them below as well as our statement of faith.
Our Worship Service
Here at Living Hope we love celebrating our God with a blend of traditional and contemporary
worship, often a prophetic word, prayer and sound biblical teaching. Our children stay with us
during worship and you'll often find them dancing and worshiping God! They are then dismissed
to children's church where they hear a Biblically-based teaching, geared to their age groups.

Other Things to Know
Sunday service begins at 10:30, but many people arrive a few minutes early. Coffee is available
and check-in for children is open. From flip-flops to wingtips, we have it all. Be relaxed or dress
up — we are happy to see you! We are blessed to enjoy a variety of music each week and we
feature several wonderful worship teams. If you have any questions or want to know more, we
can help. Call us at 757-229-1790 or email hello@livinghopeva.com

Next Generation
"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done." Psalm 78:4
Kids and Nursery (0-12)
Our children are such a joy to us. They stay with us during worship and you'll often see them dancing and worshiping God at the front of the sanctuary. The kids then head to their classrooms (nursery 0-3, preschool 3-5 and elementary 6-11). We encourage children ages 12 and up to stay with us during the service and hear the message being given. You'll find our youth are some of our best volunteers and love being assistant teachers, working the tech team, or helping in other areas of service.

Youth (12-18)
Youth meets every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00pm at the church. During youth group, our kids are surrounded by loving mentors who help guide small group discussions around the Word of God. Come join us for some awesome hangout and fellowship time! Youth Group starts with games and then goes into worship and the message. They then break into small groups for discussion and prayer.

Special Needs
We believe every person is important to God and He has given each one of us a divine purpose and plan for our lives. We try hard to make our services, kid's classes, and events friendly for everyone, and in our kid's ministry, our teachers are trained to work with special needs children. We're also building space for sensory needs. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to us and we're happy to discuss.